<b>AIRS Ruler</b> allows you to create rules for personalising your phone based on changes to your context as triggered by <b>AIRS</b> (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airs) or <b>Storica</b> (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airs).
Here are some examples of what you can do using AIRS Ruler:
- Change your wallpaper based on the mood selection;
- Switch on/off WiFi or Bluetooth based on event annotations;
- Change your wallpaper based on weather information;
- Show a text in a pop-up window if you change your mood.
- and more...
For this, you can define your own rules with a simple card-based UI, selecting the currently supported sensors and actions to be triggered. You can enable/disable individual rules and select conditions from a list of templates to get started easily.
You will need to have <b>Storica</b> or <b>AIRS</b> installed for AIRS Ruler to do anything. AIRS Ruler will start its service automatically when you start recording with Storica or AIRS. When you stop recording, AIRS Ruler will stop, too. Furthermore, you will need to enable <i>AIRS intents</i> in the <i>General Settings</i> of Storica or AIRS to make AIRS Ruler work (this setting is enabled by default in Storica and AIRS).
<b>Future extensions</b>
We will add more sensors and actions in the future. If you want to suggest scenarios of usage, giving us ideas for extensions, send us an email or visit our forum (<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.tecvis.co.uk%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNEzhQPQPYIspY7KiZ6ogF2ddYeZPA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNHO9gCTzEozm9ho53RiZQd9S7bf9Q" target="_blank">http://www.tecvis.co.uk</a>)!
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none"><b> AIRS标尺允许您为您的个性化手机的基础上更改您的环境被作为触发<b>创建规则AIRS (https://play.google.com/store/apps/详细信息?ID = com.airs)或<b> Storica酒店(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.airs)。
- 根据心情选择更改壁纸;
- 基于事件的注释/关闭WiFi或蓝牙开关;
- 根据天气信息更改壁纸;
- 如果你改变你的心情显示在弹出窗口的文本。
- 和更多...
你将需要有<b> Storica酒店或<b> AIRS 安装AIRS统治者做任何事情。 AIRS标尺会当你开始录制Storica酒店或AIRS自动启动的服务。当你停止录音,AIRS统治者就会停止了。此外,你将需要启用<i> AIRS意图在<i>常规设置 Storica酒店或AIRS使AIRS标尺工作(此设置中默认Storica酒店和AIRS启用)。
我们将在未来添加更多的传感器和动作。如果你想使用建议的场景,让我们思路的扩展,给我们发电子邮件或访问我们的论坛(<a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.tecvis.co.uk&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEzhQPQPYIspY7KiZ6ogF2ddYeZPA" target="_blank">http://www.tecvis.co.uk</a>)!</b>
</b></b></b></div> <div class="show-more-end">